Fangirl Audiobook by Rainbow Rowell

Cath (short for Cather) is a freshman at college, and none to happy about it. Fangirl Audiobook by Rainbow Rowell Online. Finding herself alone in the world for the first time, without her twin sister Wren by her side twenty-four hours a day, Cath lacks confidence and is terrified of new places, people and situations. Arriving at Pound Hall, her new home for the semester, she finds that she will be sharing room 2B with an abrupt, dismissive room-mate called Reagan, although Cath actually meets her room-mate’s boyfriend, Levi, before she meets Reagan herself. Reagan isn’t a freshman and not pleased to be sharing a room with one. She seems completely disinterested in being friends, and Cath is convinced that Reagan actually doesn’t like her.
By contrast, Wren, always the more outgoing twin, and the one who insisted that they do not share a room during their college experience, has already made fast friends with her new room-mate, Courtney, and the pair invite Cath to join them at the Freshman barbecue. Cath declines, preferring to eat with their father before his drive home to Omaha. Cath is worried about her dad and fears he will not look after himself properly without his girls there to keep an eye on him.
Fearing even the simplest of new things, Cath eats protein bars alone in her room rather than find out where the dining hall is. The one bright spot in her college timetable is her Fiction Writing class. Normally reserved for upperclassmen, Cath has been awarded a place on it and is determined to shine. She is already a very successful writer of “fan fiction”, creating new stories and endings for the characters in the famous Simon Snow fantasy series. She even has followers and fans of her own. Unfortunately, Professor Piper loathes fan fiction. As Cath is writing some fan fiction outside, under a tree (she is working on a final book for the Simon Snow series before the actual author releases the last one) she is approached by a fellow student in the class. His name is Nick, and she finds him interesting, and not unattractive. He asks about the writing exercise they had to do that week, writing about life from the perspective of an inanimate object. Cath wrote from the perspective of a lock, Nick, a pen, but he is already regretting that choice as it is rather pedestrian and not nearly as interesting as Cath’s. Fangirl Audiobook Stream. Unsurprisingly Cath gets an A for the paper. Nick is intrigued with her as she is the lone freshman in the class, from which he deduces that she must be very talented, and probably a good person to know if he wants to raise his own grades in the class.